Aloha! Sharing my SoulArt Studio of Travel Related Art
Jan 26, 2024 9:47 am
#SoulCanvas jkun808--26012024
Aloha Busan! Today my feet touched Korean soil for the first time. I'm grateful to be here, to reconnect with my friend Sang Min, and to take in the culture, food, and the natural beauty South Korea has to offer. Sang Min and I took a walk around the Haeundai Beach coast. The chill, sea-scented air provided a perfect environment to the serene setting. There was a lighthouse, bridge, mermaid statues, and the ebb and flow of the Pacific. I can't wait to touch the water. I can't wait to explore Busan and South Korea. So much to be grateful for! Fow now, I'm awaiting a wonderful homecooked meal with homemade kimchee! Until tomorrow, sharing my light and Aloha - J
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