Mar 23, 2024 3:02 am
Day 11: Will
Life has a curious way of testing our mettle. Just when I thought I had steadied myself against its unpredictable tides, another wave of misfortune came crashing down: another theft. Most of my savings for my trip, all in 100-peso bills, were stolen right under the hostel SOL's roof that had become my sanctuary of protection and providence.

It's interesting how intangible things can weigh so heavily on us. It wasn't merely the financial loss that burdened my heart, but also the erosion of trust. This incident, the work of a sly thief of trust, left me eyeing the world around with a curtain of skepticism; betrayal scars not just the pocket but also imprints paranoia on one's outlook. The pain of this loss was deeper than the previous one. The money represented trust and friendship. It reminded me of the faces of friends who had given, both from their wallets and their hearts.

I struggled to find a lesson in this misfortune. Maybe the universe was telling me to have unwavering faith, testing my optimism, and to keep moving forward and not lose my smile. Life often leads us to crossroads, each path echoing with the 'what ifs' and 'if onlys'. But I decided not to get stuck in the past, and to push forward with renewed hope and purpose. The journey must continue.

My resolve remains unwavering: next Tuesday, no matter what happens, I'll start my trip to Sao Paulo.
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